Well Christmas whizzed by in a crazy whirl and I was still frantically sewing stockings right up to the last minute! As a family we all had different enjoyment from these little advent stockings that I would never even have dreamed of.
The children have delighted in finding another chocolate stuffed stocking in the morning when they wake up. Sometimes at night, the excitement would be too much for my littlest munchkin and he would wake up to check if the elves had been... Which did result on more than one occasion, in a chocolate covered child/duvet/teddy as he fell back to sleep with magic elf chocolate dreamily squirrelled away in his hand which of course had melted by morning.
Mr Wonky Witch loved sneaking into their rooms, desperately trying not to make any noise as he tripped over various toys strategically placed to catch him out.
I have loved sewing them using materials given to me by lovely friends and family and I have loved the idea that we can use them again next year...and the year after that!
Not bad for an idea that came to me whilst standing next to the cheese counter at the supermarket one foggy November morning! I wonder what it is they put in those cheeses anyway?
Happy New Year Stitching
Behold the power of cheese! Wonderful! :)