
Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Sewing Projects - Bunting

It's been very busy on the sewing front recently at the Wonky Witch Needlecraft cavern that I haven't had much time for cross stitch.  Please don't get me wrong, I have managed to sneak one cross stitch thank you card in for a friend but sewing has taken up all my free time recently.

The first project a few weeks ago was some good old fashioned bunting for the royal wedding celebrations. I realise the colours are not particularly patriotic but I wanted to match it with some other store bought bunting I already have to use at my daughter's birthday party in June... excuses, excuses!   The bunting was really simple to make (which is perfect for a newbie sewer like me) and I've added some of the details of how it was made up below;

To make a bunting strip 12 flags or triangles wide I used 4 separate pieces of fabric made up of gingham, polka dots and flowers in pastel colours.  
  1. Using the 22cm x 18cm triangular template shown in the diagram; cut 6 triangles from each of the 4 fabric pieces, ending up with 24 triangles in total.
  2. Place 2 of the triangles from one lot of fabric right side to right side and sew together (using a 1 cm seam allowance) leaving a gap at the top of about 4 cm.
  3. Press along the seams then turn inside out so right side of fabric is showing.  
  4. Repeat with your other triangles and you should end up with 12 flags for the bunting.  
  5. Sew a strip of ribbon across the top of each of your triangles to complete.  I used roughly 3 metres but you may want to adapt to your space requirements. 
The hardest part of all was choosing the fabric!!  Am I the only one who finds it hard to pick and choose the right fabric for a project?

As always, Happy Sewing/Stitching!!!


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