
Friday, 24 August 2012

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside....

I've been out and about with the children on our summer holidays which means very little real "work" has been accomplished.  However, it's been great to see the sunshine and the smiles on the faces of the children as they play at the farm, discover a new path in the forest or playing with friends.

One piece of  work I have managed to sneak in is to design a new cross stitch chart entitled "beach huts".  The design contains cross stitch, back stitch, half stitch and a few French knots on the seagull eyes (small beads will work equally well) and is available to download as a PDF chart from our website!

We haven't quite made it to the beach yet which is why this design is probably wishful thinking on my part as I'm just picturing myself in front of those huts on the picnic rug, eating home-made sandwiches watching as the children cover themselves (and me!) in sand.

Right...I'm off to book a trip to the beach!

Happy Stitching!

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